Trade Agreement Polski

Trade Agreement Polski: What You Need to Know

Poland is a country that has been growing in economic prowess in recent years. One of the key drivers of this growth is the country’s extensive trade agreements, which provide Polish businesses with access to new markets and opportunities. One such agreement of particular importance is the Trade Agreement Polski- a bilateral agreement between Poland and the United States. In this article, we will discuss the key details of this agreement and what it means for businesses in both countries.

Overview of the Trade Agreement Polski

The Trade Agreement Polski was signed in 1990 and came into force in 1991. It is a comprehensive agreement that covers trade in goods, services, and intellectual property rights. The agreement was renegotiated in 1999 and further amended in 2004 to reflect changes in the global economy and to expand the scope of the agreement.

Key Benefits for Polish Businesses

The Trade Agreement Polski provides several benefits for Polish businesses, including:

1. Improved Access to the US Market

The agreement eliminates tariffs and other trade barriers on many products, making it easier and cheaper for Polish companies to export their goods to the US market. This increased access to the US market can help Polish businesses expand their customer base and increase revenue.

2. Protection of Intellectual Property Rights

The agreement also includes provisions that protect intellectual property rights, such as patents and trademarks. This protection is important for Polish businesses that rely on innovation and research to develop new products and services.

3. Increased Investment Opportunities

The Trade Agreement Polski encourages investment between the two countries by removing barriers to investment and ensuring that investors are treated fairly. This can lead to increased investment by US businesses in Poland, which can create new jobs and stimulate economic growth.

Key Benefits for US Businesses

The Trade Agreement Polski also provides several benefits for US businesses, including:

1. Improved Access to the Polish Market

The agreement provides US businesses with improved access to the Polish market by eliminating tariffs and other trade barriers on many products. This increased access can help US businesses expand their customer base in Poland and increase revenue.

2. Protection of Intellectual Property Rights

US businesses also benefit from the protection of intellectual property rights provided by the agreement. This protection is particularly important for US businesses that rely on intellectual property to develop new products and services.

3. Increased Investment Opportunities

The Trade Agreement Polski provides US businesses with increased investment opportunities in Poland, which can lead to the creation of new jobs and increased revenue. The agreement removes barriers to investment and ensures that US investors are treated fairly.


The Trade Agreement Polski is an important agreement for both Poland and the United States. It provides numerous benefits for businesses in both countries, including improved access to new markets, protection of intellectual property rights, and increased investment opportunities. By leveraging the benefits of this agreement, Polish and US businesses can expand their reach and grow their revenue streams.